Federal, State, County, City, CPUC, Utility Companies
There are many incentives and rebates offered to entice homeowners and business owners to invest into energy saving improvements. A few are listed here.
*The most recognized is from the federal government called the Investment Tax Credit (ITC). The current credit is 26% of the cost of the system and is deducted from your federal income tax.
*Self-Generated Incentive Program (SGIP) from California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) has programs that will pay up to 100% of a project.
The Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) mandates that California generates 50% of all its energy from renewable sources by 2030. Utilities will have to pay high fees if the standards are not met, so there is strong incentive in California for utilities to offer energy incentives. All the utility companies have lists of qualified improvements for rebates.
C: 510-418-1647
O: 510-470-0522